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Composite Projects

Composite Projects



Motorcycle fairings, bodywork, hoods, spoilers, dashboards, interiors, etc. We’ve made it all.


Adaptive Sport

Racing wheelchairs, sit skis, and hockey sledges represent some of the equipment we’ve made for para-athletes throughout the years.

Nautika, Marie Khouri.jpg

Art Installations

Stanley Park, Grouse Mountain, Olympic Village, and a number of local business boast our craftsmanship around Vancouver.


Best of the Rest

Unmanned mapping submarines, ski & snowboard binding mods, helmets, airframe gliders, carbon toilet seats… the list is endless.


If you wish to inquire about a custom composite project, please temper your expectations. These projects may not be accepted due to work load and often carry a long wait time should we decide to proceed during our slow season.


For all custom composite projects please contact us directly at to set up a consultation. Following this a quote can be drawn up, as costs vary on an individual basis.

Looking for Some More Examples?

Take a look at our gallery of composite projects.